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How to gain trust & support?

Manifestations in Suriname February 17th 2023.

Ignoring the customer journey in public industry process management can be a critical mistake that can lead to negative public perceptions, decreased trust, support, and funding for public institutions. It's important to map out the customer journey in public industry process management to understand each interaction and touchpoint, and to identify areas that can be improved or streamlined. By taking the customer journey into account, public institutions can create more efficient processes, better services, and positive public experiences, resulting in increased trust, support, and funding for public institutions.

The public industry, which includes government agencies, educational institutions, and non-profit organizations, is just as susceptible to the impact of customer journey mapping as any other industry. Ignoring the customer journey in public industry process management can lead to inefficiencies and missed opportunities for positive engagement with the public, resulting in a loss of trust, support, and funding. In this article, we will explore why ignoring the customer journey in public industry process management is fundamentally wrong.

The Importance of Customer Journey in Public Industry Process Management.

The customer journey in public industry refers to the different touchpoints and experiences a citizen has with a government agency, educational institution, or non-profit organization. These experiences can range from accessing information, applying for services, receiving assistance, and providing feedback. It's important to map out the customer journey in public industry process management to understand each interaction and touchpoint, and to identify areas that can be improved or streamlined to better serve the public.

When customer journey mapping is not incorporated into public industry process management, there is a risk of creating inefficiencies that lead to negative public experiences. For example, a government agency may have a long and difficult process for applying for a permit, which can lead to frustration for the citizen and decreased trust in the government's ability to provide efficient services.

Ignoring the customer journey in public industry process management can also result in missed opportunities for positive engagement with the public. By not understanding the customer journey, there is a risk of missing opportunities to create better and more efficient services that meet the needs and expectations of citizens. This can lead to decreased trust, support, and funding for public institutions.

Why Ignoring Customer Journey in Public Industry Process Management is Fundamentally Wrong

Ignoring the customer journey in public industry process management is fundamentally wrong for several reasons, including:

  1. Negative Public Perception - When a public institution doesn't take into account the customer journey in their process management, it can result in negative public perceptions. This can lead to decreased trust, support, and funding for public institutions.

  2. Missed Opportunities - Ignoring the customer journey in public industry process management can lead to missed opportunities for positive engagement with the public. Public institutions that don't understand the customer journey may miss opportunities to create better and more efficient services that meet the needs and expectations of citizens.

  3. Inefficient Processes - Ignoring the customer journey in public industry process management can lead to inefficient processes that result in negative public experiences. For example, if a government agency has a difficult process for applying for a permit, it can lead to frustration and decreased trust in the government's ability to provide efficient services.

  4. Decreased Trust and Support - Poor public experiences can lead to decreased trust and support for public institutions. Ignoring the customer journey in public industry process management can result in poor public experiences, leading to decreased trust and support for public institutions.

Small detail, this blog is written from Paramaribo on the Feb 19 2023, in the middle of manifestations against the government.

Author Julian Diaz de Pool

Leading Digital Transformation for more than a decade.

His overal statement 'You can't build an empire without a solid foundation'.

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